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OverBoard Waterproof Case for iPad Review

Waterproof and underwater accessories put me slightly on edge, understandably. This the OverBoard Waterproof iPad case offers complete resistance of water from your device.


The case comes in just one colour being black. The lack of variety here is a shame, especially as I see this being used in places such as beaches where black may seem a tad dull. I'd like to see some big bright colours added to the lineup. The rear of the case is well padded and the front is where the plastic translucent cutout is for use of an iPad's screen.

This case allows enough room for either an iPad 1 or iPad 2 to be inserted and I suspect future iPad's and other tablets on the screne will be able to fit. Once you've inserted the iPad you can make the case waterproof by using what OverBoard dub as 'Slide Seal System'. Four gripped switches are positioned on top of the case, simply slide the switches inwards and your iPad is now waterproof.

I was very nervous about going for a swim with my iPad but all was fine. It stayed completely dry and will safely stay that way when submerged up to six metres. If you happen to drop an iPad within the OverBoard into water it will float. Very useful for someone who is casually floating in a pool or at sea using an iPad in the OverBoard and then suddenly loose grip and dropping it into the water. It is possible to take underwater photos as the case has a rear cutout but a much better camera is needed on the iPad if you want to seriously do so.

A hand strap is incorporated onto the back which makes it perfect for using your iPad sitting by the pool or in a deck chair. Plus once the case is taken out of water, the droplets are so small it isn’t really noticeable. So it’s very easy to dry off.

You can't really use the volume rockers, mute switch or the sleep and wake button in the case but all of theses functions can be triggered on an iPad via iOS.

The case is durable and rugged. The protection offered is well suited for the conditions this will be used in. Of course the whole of the iPad is covered from any bumps or scatches which could occur under water and a degree of shock absorbance is offered from the rear of the case.

Overall the OverBoard Waterproof iPad case does exactly what it claims. It keeps an iPad dry underwater and at the same time allows you to use it. If you're going to be taking or using an iPad near water this might give you the peace of mind you've been longing for.