SoundMAGIC TWS50 Earphones Review
SoundMAGIC TWS50 Earphones try to be a little different and stand out from the crowded arena of Bluetooth 5.0 wireless earphones currently available, with a distinctive charging case, unusual earphone shaping and a temptingly low price. Buy on Amazon
These have a very different fit to any SoundMAGIC earphone release we have so far used, with an exaggerated oval design that comes in a pearl finish. They’re quite rigid in-ear, don’t have much area for manoeuvre and offer good noise isolation. We were impressed by how comfortable they remain in-ear after 1-2hrs of listening.
The charging case is like no other we’ve seen and features an LED readout of battery percentage. Circular, with a revolving lid that uncovers the earphones within, this design is certainly a unique talking point but not very practical in use. Despite familiarising ourselves with the design, they remain a fiddle to use when compared to the Apple AirPod charging case.

Sound Performance
Bass has often been a weak spot in driver design, and there has been a recent trend of emphasising this lower frequency zone due to a form of thinking that this is what most ears want, but if the other ranges aren’t equally prevalent, there’s little point and you’ve essentially made audio a hazy mess. The SoundMAGIC TWS50 Earphones cannot be accused of this and as a whole are a coherent listen, that save on dynamism to save you money. Unusually the treble is the most emphasised frequency from the SoundMAGIC TWS50 Earphones and leaves a vacancy for detail around itself. For us it’s really the weakest point of the audio experience and is not well suited to certain musical genres, like classical, for example. At the other end, vocals are often bolstered through the treble effect and this can be said for acoustic tracks too.
Stereo output has impressed us. ‘The Pianoman at Christmas’ song by Jamie Cullum, with an opening soundstage of walking boots munching through crisp winter snow, is vivid in detail and highlights distance excellently as they travel towards you. A soundstage is definitely achieved by the TWS50 earphones, but it isn’t as wide or all surrounding as more premium offerings; even from SoundMAGIC, like their SoundMAGIC E11BT Earphones.
The SoundMAGIC TWS50 Earphones can be summed up as an atypical wireless earphone release. Sporting a circular charging case and an exaggerated oval earphone design that offers a firm but comfortable fit. Most importantly, they generally have an agreeable sound, offer a broad soundscape and excellent detail for their relatively low price point. However, treble emphasis is unusual and not something that sits well with certain types of music. Buy on Amazon